During an initial meeting, our new members are screened thoroughly. This ensures a customised self-care plan is created, unique to the individual and their specific needs.
Our assessment of your current lifestyle, health and fitness conditions highlights any setbacks or ongoing issues restricting your progress. We then work closely with you, supporting the improvement in physical, mental and emotional health.
- Begin your journey with us by meeting our compassionate coaches.
- Work through our comprehensive screening process to identify a suitable journey tailored to you.
- Carryout a full body and mind screening questionnaire.
- Assess your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
- Consider your occupational, spiritual and social health.
Current life circumstances are important to us, so tell us about your career, financial situation, social or spiritual commitments. We can work around a busy lifestyle to find a suitable pathway unique to you, creating a better work-life balance.
Our belief is, the more information retrieved during the first initial consultation, the higher the level of support we can provide to the individuals on their journey to success. Our process utilises the internationally renowned PAR-Q as the basis for the initial screening.
Our coaches are empathetic, compassionate and understanding. We are aware of the importance of a thorough assessment. We build rapport naturally with our new members, which we see as the key to future success.
On completion of the Dynamic screening process, we can fully document and benchmark all aspects of your lifestyle, health and fitness on our online member portal. This additional and unique resource enables you to track your progress on a regular basis. We will use the portal additionally to refer back to the data during frequent progress reviews scheduled when you feel ready.
Small changes make big differences. Setting a realistic target a vital element when creating a sustainable lifestyle change. We will create a holistic lifestyle, health and fitness plan off the back of our assessment to get you back in track at your pace.